Getting started

Junction bot is a bot to read Telegram channels in one feed. Also, it has multiple features for those who forward messages from sources like channels, groups or bots to other sources.

At a glance: what this Telegram bot can do?

The following features are available:

1. Subscription – read new messages from several channels in one feed in a private or public chat with JunctionBot.

2. Forwarding – copying of new messages from channels, groups, users and bots to your channel or group.

3. Filtering – create rules to describe which messages should be copied or ignored. Including filtering of every n-th message and duplicates.

4. Modification & Replacement – create rules to replace one text in the message body with another, change the way links and headers look like.

5. Flexible settings. Including styling, adding of buttons and more.

???????? Next: Choosing the right account type.